Why is this happening to me?Maple-Strawberry-Jam on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/maple-strawberry-jam/art/Why-is-this-happening-to-me-1005965473Maple-Strawberry-Jam

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Maple-Strawberry-Jam's avatar

Why is this happening to me?



Alright, so I have a problem that I have been trying to deal with for days, yet nothing has come of it. Every time I try to look at descriptions of my own art, it says it's still loading (The little llama thing keeps dancing while no text actually appears) and when I try to refresh to see if that's the problem, this screen appears. This screen also appears every time I submit a deviation. Not only that, but I can't edit any of my works, not even my oldest pieces (a.k.a. my character profile pages)

I seem to be able to view descriptions on OTHER people's art no problem, I can read up on anyone else's pieces, but it simply won't load any of my own. Can anyone else actually see the descriptions of my pieces? I'm asking for help. Will somebody help me please? I've tried googling various solutions to the problem, but no matter what I try to do, this thing, this page, keeps popping up. I've even left a "ticket" for DA to check out, but they haven't gotten back to me.

Will somebody help me, please? I'm just trying to be able to continue my Tickle Chronicles works, but I can't continue if I'm not able to edit the descriptions or even view them :'( 
Anything would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.
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JennyGirlArt's avatar

Maybe try clearing your internet browser cache and cookies, might help fix the problem