I find myself here again. DA sent me an email about the upcoming Portfolio changes so I logged in for the first time in years. A lot has changed, with DA, my personal life, as well as what I create.
One of the first things I noticed about DA was the reference to personal pronouns. Seriously? It seems the ridiculousness of the PC police has touched DA as well. Someone's gender has no relevance to the art they create. That aside, I've made a basic Core membership for the time being so I can access a few features and get myself reacquainted with the new layouts and functions.
I very rarely shoot digital these days. My focus is film and alternative print processes. Nothing like lurking in a dimly lit, poorly ventilated room inhaling the sweet, sweet aroma of chemistry. I like that I make my prints and photos with my hands, trying to juggle the multiple variables such as humidity, timing, chemical proportions etc to have the cards land in my favour, the planets align and create a