OCs : Amunet, Armon and Zalika VS AzazelManiaxoi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/maniaxoi/art/OCs-Amunet-Armon-and-Zalika-VS-Azazel-798369492Maniaxoi

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OCs : Amunet, Armon and Zalika VS Azazel



:powerup:Hi  guys !   :powerup: 

Here's a commission for :iconsilentnamekian: about his characters, Amunet on the let, Armon, the namekian, agains Azazel which is held byt Azazel ! 
A few word from the author : "Zalika is pushing at her peak limits as a SSJ4 just trying to escape Azazel grasp. However, Azazel possesses a power about as strong as Beerus, due to being obsessed with becoming the most powerful being ever to exist and to rule over everything" 

I hope you'll like it ! 

More will come :) 

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GokuRos3's avatar

Could you draw me somethin?