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URESHI-SAN's avatar
Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
  • Nov 5
  • United States
  • Deviant for 10 years
  • They / Them
My Bio
astral | they/them
Mini Flag - Demisexual by Stu-Pixels Demisexual Pride Flag Shooting Star by King-Lulu-Deer | Mini Flag - Non-Binary by Stu-Pixels Nonbinary Pride Flag Shooting Star by King-Lulu-Deer

Art Blog:

country of origin:

Box Sprites - APH Philippines by whitenoize

-I swear I actually do art, though posting has been quite a rarity.
-Sketching, drawing, painting, and SAI are my go-to artistic mediums.
-School-bound (ugh...)
-Loves music!
-Part-time ballet student ♡
-Likes cosplay :0

USA Language Level stamp4 by Faeth-design Filipino Language: Expert by JhaztMinnatuiz23 French 2 by Faeth-design

More About Me
Chalky Steps by Dekaff Ballet-Martial Arts by Rowanoak .ice cream stamp. by amat-Allah Know Me Better Stamp by mylastel Friendship... Stamp by mylastel Nail Varnish Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Crayon Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Sushi Love Stamp by chikaex0tica I Heart Tea Stamp by croaky Coffee Lover Stamp by A-Sent-Miracle Winter Stamp by Werxzy Autumn Stamp by Kezzi-Rose I Love Stars- stamp by AlbinoSeaTurtle Untitled by Sparkle by SwaggyWolfy .Stamp. Shipping Opinion by KillMePleaseGod I Heart Mountains Stamp by devils-horizon

Sailor Moon - stamp 3 by kas7ia W.I.T.C.H. stamp by Gryphonia Untitled by Fairy Tail Stamp by whiteflamingo Fullmetal Alchemist Stamp by HelloIAmParker Stamp-ROV by RedPassion Ouran Highschool Host Club Stamp by DogFreak108 Game of Thrones Stamp by pixelworlds Mirai Nikki Stamp by WhiteShadow234 The Last Airbender Stamp by uiopuiop Undertale Animated Stamp by Papikari Untitled by Hamilton Broadway Stamp by lovelyjasper Yuri on ice stamp by mysources Untitled by MARVEL The Avengers Group Stamp by TwilightProwler Untitled by

Warning: VLD Season 6 Spoilers under the cut. (This was posted on my tumblr as well.) Seeing Voltron Season 5, we all know the sequence of events that occurred within the growth of Lotor and Allura’s bond to one another. I did not trust him at first, but I knew from then that he had a secret motive. However, I knew some of the things he said to Allura in season 5 were indeed in fact, genuine, such as talking about their shared goals, Alfor and Honerva, and their time in Oriande. I would know this, because if you share something with someone, especially something that is very close to you, you tend to want to create a bond with this per...
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0 min read
Mood: Happy   Eating: Cereal Listening: Hatsune Miku Drinking: Water RULES AND GUIDES: 1) Post these rules in the journal 2) Answer the ten questions directed towards you, the taggee, and make up ten more questions for the people you tag to answer 3) Tag at least ten people (if you can't think f ten people to tag, that's fine, just do as many as you can) 4) Don't tag whoever tagged you 5) Try to avoid not tagging anyone 6) Don't force the people you tag to do this meme, if they don't want to, that's their choice 7) Mention your tagger in the journal so they can see your answers <33~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o...
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You know, you wouldn't even be here today if it wasn't for me. You ask what I mean by that? Well, I stopped the apocalypse. Let me tell you about it.One day I was walking home and suddenly, four mysterious men in black suits on horses appeared, and each of them had ties, one had a black tie, another red, a green, and a yellow one. The man with the green tie had a monkey on his back. I dropped my stuff and screamed. Oddly enough, the four men were startled; the monkey jumped off the man's back and got onto mine. The one in the red tie yelled to the one in the yellow tie, "Look what you did, you fool! You brought us to a mortal? Now our plan...
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ondine25's avatar
Hello, I'm looking for the manga versailles no bara in english and I don't find it... Do you know where I can find it ?
mangoshakes's avatar
Hi, I'm so sorry for the delayed reply! >.<

If you're talking about purchasing the manga in English, I heard the English version of the Rose of Versailles had never been released before :/ (Udon Entertainment (US) said they were going to distribute them by the quarter of this year, but nothing happened *^*)

However, there is an English translation of all the chapters here:…

Happy reading, and I hope that helped ^ ^;
ondine25's avatar
ok, thank you :)
neko-kumicho-chan's avatar
thank you so much for the watch! :hug: >W< :heart:
galaatear's avatar
Thank you a lot for the fav Llama Emoji-10 (Shy) [V1] 
PenikoDolceska's avatar
thanks a lot for the fav