Manga-Couple group is dedicated to works featuring all types of romantic or friendly relationships between at least two characters, drawn in manga/anime style, or related to manga/anime (fanfictions). Everyone are welcome to join - just click 'join' button!
We run a quality selection and not all submissions are accepted so please send us only your best works! Make sure to read our group rules before submitting a deviation [link] to know what kinds of pictures will not be accepted. Admins reserve the right to decline submissions.
If your submission was declined then it means it wasn't fitting our group rules or quality standards. Go back to our group rules to make sure you didn't miss anything! You can always ask admins why your submissions was declined or ask for advice on improving your work.
Submission limit: 1 deviation per week.
WE DO NOT ACCEPT ADVERTISEMENTS TO OUR GALLERY. In order to submit an advertisement in our group we ask you to send us a note about advert. It can be group adverts, commissions info, adoptables, auctions, etc. Please make sure to send notes directly to the group and not to the admins themselves. Thank you!
Hi, Everyone!
Have you always dreamed of a manga featuring your characters?
Did you want to express your story in pages?
Now you have the opportunity!
Commissions for manga pages based on your stories are open! :]
Payment by points, paypal or bank card is available.