Darksiders 2 frown, Guild Wars 2 is here!

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Malinidk's avatar
I bought the Darksiders 2 Collectors edition, but was left with a frown as I opened the package - read the below to understand.

Being the happy owner of the softcover Artbook for the first Darksiders game, loving Joe Mad(Madureira)'s style and work as the art director - I had to get my hands on the sequel's Artbook. I'm closing in on ending the first game, and I've really been loving it. So of course the notes of the developers saying that the Darksiders 2-game was going to be even more awesome spoke to me and still does. I ordered the collectors edition, which would contain the game, some DLC-codes, the soundtrack, Death's mask and finally the artbook.
- Happy recieving the package on the release date, unpacking it and all, I was left with a frown and disappointed face - because the so called artbook, which I had been wanting the most along with the game, was nothing more than a small notebook, nowhere near as cool as the one of the first game... And I surely can't be the only one with the same sadness inside of me about this. It said THE art book on their advertisement, nowhere was the size said and noted to be this small, so what do they expect?
- By time things turned around and I ended up looking through the small art book, and on the very last page I found my salvation. Like the first game had a huge art book after release, so would they release a similar big one for this game. Why on earth they featured a small art book I don't know, but I'm still angry at them for fooling me like this. The art book I wanted is coming out this fall, by the start of November according to the retailers. I'm buying it and so more of my money goes that way.

I'll end the first game and then sometime continue on the sequel. The interest in the game is still there, but I'm letting it lurk around. Yeah I know it, I'm crazy.

But I'm actually having another game on my hands - guessed it already? It's another sequel, of course Guild Wars 2. I signed up early and pre-purchased, so I've been able to participate in the Beta weekends they've been running. Enough about that. ArenaNet had a really great pre-launch and launch, but sadly there's been some issues too. I was a victim for one of them. Being able to play for a few days and suddenly being cut off, is never fun. They introduced the smart security trick known as authentication. It just didn't do the trick for me and my hotmail... bummed sitting waiting for a reply for 7 days. But by the start of yesterday my ticket was looked upon and a solution for similar people like me, was found. Yays!

Enough ranting. I'm playing Guild Wars 2 and doing it with a bunch of really nice people. It's fun, except for that fact that I am not sure about my necromancer profession - but pulling it through for now. It's a vast new world to explore, and I still have many corners as only being level 24 to explore.

I just felt like updating my journal. Though what it really just should say is that I'm missing girlfriend real bad. See you soon love. :heart: :hug:

Hope all of you are good, maybe you're playing Guild Wars 2? Poke me if you are, I'd like to hear what you're up to in-game.

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