
8 Facts - Belle

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I got revenge tagged by @redkitty120 for making her do 8 facts about her Winx OC, Azure.  So, now, here are 8 facts about my Winx OC, Belle!


  1. Post rules.

  2. Post 8 facts about your character.

  3. Tag others.

  4. Put the  character name next to the person you tag.

Princess Belle of Oblivion

- Belle's full name is Belladonna Betenoir, Third Heir in Line for the throne of Oblivion.

- Belle has 6 siblings.  Apparently, there's no such thing as birth control in Oblivion. :shrug:

- Belle is a triplet.   Her fellow triplets are Venom and Orpheus.

- Belle and Venom are "Mirror Twins", which means that some of their features, though identical, are on opposite sides, as if they were staring in a mirror.

- Belle was originally from the realm of Oblivion, but was sent to the "light" realm as a spy for her family.

- Belle became a double agent, deciding that she liked the people and government of the "light" realm of Magix better than her own "dark" realm, and decided to help Magix instead.

- Belle and Stella are related!  Their grandmothers were sisters.

- Belle is in an on-again-off-again relationship with Riven.  They fight, break-up, fume, regret, make-up, date for a while, then fight again.  It's an ongoing pattern.


Jeez, IDK, people, uhhhhhhhh.......

@SugarPhonics Jester!!!!!!!

@Nightshadow143 Have we done Vidalia, yet?

@Dreamer2Dusk Lin!

I was both dreading and looking forward to being tagged again.  Simultaneously.  Feelings are weird.  Anyways, here's 8 facts about Belle.

SugarPhonics Jester
Nightshadow143 Vidalia
Dreamer2Dusk Lin

I can't think of a fourth.  My brain is asleep.
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Dreamer2Dusk's avatar

my baby, Lin! and interesting oc, makes me want to finish up planning out my Winx oc