MaleReader-Inserts's avatar


Biggest M!Reader group on DA!
Years Ago

Hera x Male!Reader - Change For the Better by ScarletCavaliere, literature

I Will Not Bow - Rome x Male!Reader by Mikorin-kun, literature

HS-DXD x Male Reader before the Preview by Deathgrim343, literature

To Love-Ru: Male!Reader X Sephie Deviluke {1/2} by NehpetsSanders, literature

Yandere!Asriel X Male!Reader by MuffinBody12, literature

Yandere! Asami x Male! Reader x Yandere! Korra by DogeWoofe, literature

Steven Stone x Male!Reader | One Shot by MuffledScreaming, literature

Freed x Male!Reader [[One Shot Commission]] by MuffledScreaming, literature

Comments 1.2K

anonymous's avatar
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hello guys! my folks developed some fun tool for writers and are seeking for feedbacks from writers about it, could you please advise me to which forums or communities I can reach out to find active writers?
AlexisYokoAlexander's avatar
Female characters are allowed if the reader is male?
MaskOfHumanApathy's avatar
Question, are stories centered around OCs allowed to be submitted? Because I’ve been seeing A LOT of literature deviations involving OCs. (All from the same person, mind you.)
gdpr-70965715's avatar
Sorry sent you books by mistake. Just realised it’s not books you want apologies.
Exploring4Life's avatar

Consider participating in the following contest; it is fully funded. No need to worry about contributing!

Crying Cold: FUNDED 2000p! Ends on August 16, 2021

can someone link me the f!dean winchest x m reader?
i cant seem to find the author anymore
the author also does the death x reader
Saran-Sama's avatar