Deviation Actions
Literature Text
Fiona hurriedly made her way into her room, cardboard box in her arms. Smile wide on her face with excitement as she placed it on her bed. The final, perfect piece for her cosplay had finally arrived.
She had planned to go to a nearby con with a group of friends who, after some discussion, had decided to do a group Legend of Zelda cosplay, each member going as a different character. With her petite frame and youthful appearance, it seemed obvious that Fiona would make a perfect young Link.
She had the rest of the outfit prepared, green hat and tunic, brown boots, styrofoam kokiri sword and shield, this box was the final piece. She had wanted to emulate the character’s Hyrule Warriors appearance, and already had a replica Keaton’s mask, but up until now had yet to get herself a quality replica of the ever intriguing Fierce Deity's mask.
Opening up the box and digging through the packing material, she beamed at the custom modeled and painted work of art. It had cost her a pretty penny, but goodness was it already worth it as she picked it up to view it in full light, watching the finish glisten. It looked as real as it possibly could be.
She giggled to herself, a part of her actually wondering if it was in fact the real deal. Of course it wasn’t, but the flight of fancy crossed her mind nonetheless.
Looking at the prop, she noted the eyeholes that had been carefully carved into it. She wondered if she could actually wear the thing and still see…
Putting the mask up to her face, it seemed to fit… perfectly! She hadn’t gotten a custom fit, what a weird coinciden-
It felt like the mask had suddenly clamped onto her face with a sickening crunch. Panicked, she immediately tried to pull it off, only to double over as pain started to shoot through her body. She could hear the snapping and groaning of bone and muscle as she found herself on her hands and knees, almost as if…
Her voice had already deepened, looking down to her hands showed them growing in size and strength as her bare arms were developing visible muscle.
No… It couldn’t be… but what other explanation…
She felt the seams of her shirt and pants starting to split apart as she grew in height and muscle, the shoes she hadn’t bothered to take off bursting open. The division between the mask and her face diminishing as the material melded to and replaced her features. The platinum-colored hair molded onto the false face became all too real as the color spread and took over her blonde tresses. She felt the creaking of the bones and cartilage in her face as they started to mirror and become one with the rapidly disappearing mask, her ears tugging themselves into points as slight fangs formed from her canines.
Gasping for breath, her eyes reopened, now blank white framed by exotic, colorful markings. Shakily pushing herself up, she stumbled, catching herself on the bedroom wall before looking down at her nearly naked form.
“Wh… what the?”
Fiona put her hand to her throat in disbelief, the other feeling her new musculature.
Real… this was real…
Her scraps of clothing glowed with a blinding white light before floating and whirling around her. She closed her eyes as they melded together and reformed around her. When the light dimmed, she opened them again and saw her clothing had been transformed into a set of light armor, gauntlets covering her hands and solid boots on her feet. Pushing herself off the wall, she felt both the cap on her head and the weight of a large, intricate sword slung on her back.
She guessed she’d have to inform everyone of her last minute ‘costume’ change.
The Rito Mask
Master of Swords - Link TF TG (Request)
The Circlet (Hero-King Marth FtM TF)
Nah, you're good, assuming you're here for Tftober day 26!
'Tis a little tribute to one of my favorite video games of all time, as well as a likely influence on both myself, and many into this little genre of niche fiction!
Enjoy, Hylians and Terminians alike!
All characters, concepts and such are copyright their respective owners. I claim no ownership over these and simply wish to show appreciation for their work in an admittingly weird way.
Deviation Actions
Ngl this would work rrly well as a series
Kinda like Discordant Symphonies but Majora's Mask themed, y'know
Lurve how u described the physical changes, plus the clothing change was well-written as always
Not to mention the tf trigger was a stroke of pure genius