A Perfectly Normal Raccoon TF
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It was just another day, another stop at the dollar store to pick up some cheap junk. It may not be fancy, but when you’re a recent graduate still working minimum wage, you learn to sacrifice dignity quickly.
At least it had a healthy DVD section. Sure, nothing brand new, but it was a good way to catch up on older stuff she had never seen, or find the occasional hidden gem.
Of course, one was just as likely to find utter junk, but that was the nature of the game, and no matter the quality, it would still be cheap entertainment for Willa.
The young woman was sifting through the bin, talking to herself under her breath.
“Seen it, seen it, looks like crap, seen it, not in English, seen it…”
A sigh. Nothing! Had she really exhausted the seemingly unending supply of cheap DVDs? Shame, maybe she’ll relent and look at the books instead-
Something caught her eye at that moment, a completely blank DVD case, beyond a cheaply scribbled on label of tape and marker.
“Well, that’s not how you start a creepypasta or anything…” Willa snarked. It wasn’t exactly a normal sight though, and she was looking for some form of entertainment…
Ah, hell with it, at least being haunted by a hyper realistic blood demon would be a change of pace.
So she brought it up to the checkout, the cashier’s expression shifting from dull boredom to genuine curiosity and recognition at the blank case.
“Oh yeah, I saw some dude drop this thing in the DVD bin. Real shifty type, muttering something about ‘Seeing things that can’t be unseen’ and a ‘curse’. Some kinda druggie I bet...”
"Soooooo, how much?"
"Eh, it's on the house, don't want to get blamed if it turns out to be a snuff film or something like that..."
Willa returned to her apartment bedroom, popcorn in one hand and bottle of cola in the other. Reclining on her bed as the disk whirred in her laptop, she sighed contentedly.
Sometimes it was the little things in life that made all the hard work and stress worth it. Like a dumb movie on a Friday night, all in comfortable solitude.
As the disk whirred and the movie began, there was simply a blank black screen, accompanied by a jaunty tune with lyrics in a language Willa didn’t understand. German? Maybe??
Dang, scratched disk maybe? Figures. Instead of some kinda grand mystery it was just some junk someone was too lazy to take to the trash…
Was kinda catchy though, Willa couldn’t help but hum along as her foot tapped along.
Said foot feeling… tingly, oddly stiff even, her sock feet starting to stretch slightly, a bristle of unshaded fur coating them as her toes started to squish and merge together into three toed paws, oddly elongated like those of a kangaroo, but without the distinct claws of the marsupial.
“Hm hm hm hm hoo, hm hm hm hm boo…” Willa hummed, slowly catching on to the words, as if the lyrics were starting to become clear in her head, almost as if this song was familiar.
Willa reclined, after all, if the screen wasn’t working, she didn’t exactly need to watch it like a hawk. This also kept her from noticing her loosening clothes, the girl starting to visibly shrink, a slight bit of ashy gray showing on her clasped hands.
Why did she feel so… rigid? Like she was stiff and sore from stretching and bending all day, was she getting sick?
Even reaching up to scratch at the forming stubble on her chin felt off, like she was bending in ways she couldn’t, said stubble becoming a full beard of gray fur, nose twitching as it became a wet, dark, animal’s snout.
“Da da da da doo, don’t wear any shoe… wait, that doesn’t make any se- NSE? EH?” Willa’s voice suddenly and jarringly cracked, becoming significantly more nasally.
She raised her now pawed hands to her growing muzzle, all the more shocked as they entered her line of sight, now all too aware that something was wrong.
With an almost plasticy *creeeeeeak* she felt her arms wrench out of sight and meet her sides, stiff like a statue despite being flesh and blood… and paint, given how streaky her new coat looked.
Her new triangle ears poked out from her lightening scalp, distinctive raccoon mask growing in, thighs thickening as she found herself resting on her haunches, feminine figure dissolving into a simple beanish shape, that of a cartoon animal.
“Geh!?” Willa squeaked, struggling out of her oversized clothes before tumbling off her head bed with a thud, fluffy striped raccoon tail sticking straight up in the air as she landed.
… Soon followed by a series of ‘wah wah’ trumpets at her expense.
With a grunt Willa pushed herself up, choosing to pointedly ignore the condescending soundtrack accompaniment.
“Sheesh, I’d have rather taken the creepypasta demon over this, feel like my joints are made of rust and glue.” She grumbled, talk cycle horribly mismatched to her mouth movements.
“God that feels weird…”
Attempting to walk, Willa tumbled over again, grunting as she stood back up to her apparent default pose, before instead, after some consideration, hopping, her new feet inexplicably built for it.
“What the hell cheap tf is this? Couldn’t just make me generic raccoon and have it be that, you had to make it all weird and stuuuupiiiiid~.”
“Why the fuck did I say it like that?”
Hey, I HAD to make a Phelous ref at some point.
“Really? That’s what we’re gonna end on?”
You have any better ideas?
A sigh.
“Well, it was either this or that cheap looking Beauty and the Beast DVD. Think I still lucked out somehow…”
And somewhere in the distance, under the full moon’s light, a terrifying cry could be heard.
What? It's right what it says on the tin! A standard tf story that is in no way actually a tftg into Wabbu from Dingo Pictures' QUALITY works!
Seriously, not an April Fools' gag at all!
I'm so sorry Phelous.
All characters, concepts and such are copyright their respective owners. I claim no ownership over these and simply wish to show appreciation for their work in an admittingly weird way.
Though I guess not this time given bootleggery and all.
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HATING the implication of werebeauty'sdad