Unquenchable FlameMakorraLove12 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/makorralove12/art/Unquenchable-Flame-582405603MakorraLove12

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Unquenchable Flame



 In your heart shall burn an unquenchable flame...
Leliana, Dragon Age: Inquisition

Hello, dearies! Here's a Dragon Age: Inquisition wallpaper of the lovely and fierce Leliana. I... Wow, I still cannot get over how much she's changed since Origins. She's been through a lot, don't get me wrong, but still. She was just so happy in the first game and now it's like I'm afraid to talk to her. It's like if I say the wrong thing she might slice my throat... ^^;

Anyhow, what did you guys think of the new Dragon Age game? Like it, hate it, love it? I know people have mixed feelings about it, but I personally loved the game. I really enjoyed it and the ending seriously blew my mind. So looking forward to the next game! :heart:


For those who aren't familiar with the game, here's a quick thing about it: Dragon Age is a Fantasy role-playing video game in which takes place in a world known as Thedas. It was created by Bioware. There have been so far three games: Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, plus additional downloadable contents.

If you haven't heard of or played it, I highly recommend it. In my opinion, it's such a fun and exciting game. I am so happy I came across it and have had the privilege of playing. <3


I really hope you all like and enjoy this wallpaper! Please fav and leave your thoughts/opinions/ideas/feedback down below. I'm happy to read your comments; your kind words are extremely inspirational, encouraging, and most definitely welcomed! :D (Big Grin)

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© 2016 - 2025 MakorraLove12
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GodKingErebus's avatar
That looks amazing however the game on the other hand, liked half of it but the rest i didn't like it.