PJ Masks, OCs and KwamisMajestical4729 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/majestical4729/art/PJ-Masks-OCs-and-Kwamis-879029750Majestical4729

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PJ Masks, OCs and Kwamis



Based on the near-ending scene of the second and third seasons' theme song of  the Disney Channel TV Show Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, I created a scene of silhouettes of the PJ Masks and my superhero OCs below their Kwamis in rainbow colour order.

This scene is for the imaginary 'what if' scenario where PJ Masks can be a lot more like Miraculous, having Kwamis and more animal-themed superhero allies.

Order from Left to Right:
Kwamis: Olmi, Webs, Leap, Gava, Cica, Sharp, Chirp
Superheroes: Owlette, Arachnid, Amphibia, Gekko, Catboy, Top Shark, Criquet

Owlette, Gekko and Catboy are the actual PJ Masks characters from the Disney Junior TV Show PJ Masks, while the other superheroes and Kwamis are my OCs.
Image size
1354x1003px 402.69 KB
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