MLP: HTMOFG (Season 2)Majestical4729 on DeviantArt

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MLP: HTMOFG (Season 2)



The cover of my Fimfiction fanfic story series, My Little Pony: How the Magic of Friendship Grows (Season 2)

Featuring Luster Dawn and her best friends, Falcon Dive, Yellow Bright Evergreen, Alkali, Nature Bloom, Volcano, Sunshine Rays, Buffer and Krona, who make up the team known as the Heroic Ten, as well as an individual of each new creature kinds that are confirmed to be introduced in the second season.

Droplet Tidal the Water Dragon(on the left side) Muzda the Freezing Kirin(on the bottom right, designed after Elsa from Disney Frozen), Bilberry the Bison(on the right), Mitr the Ox(on the far top left), Diminuta the Beella(right next to Mitr) and Kuona the Peregrine Cheetah(on the right side of the title).
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2500x1819px 1.36 MB
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