Gears of TimeMajentta on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

August 23, 2015
Gears of Time by Majentta

Suggested by many deviants, this deviation is conceptually brilliant and well-carried out with attention to detail and clever use of many stock images. The image is unique and well-composed, telling a very interesting story. Don't miss the rest of this artist's gallery!
Featured by Aeirmid
Suggested by kzOFFBEAT
Majentta's avatar

Gears of Time



"Man against time"

This concept was running in my head for quite sometime now but I don't have time to do it.. And finally it's done :D (Big Grin) 
Time is a mystery to me. Imagine time as a tangible thing. What would it be? This is how I interpret time and how it influences our lives.

OMG! My first Daily Deviation! This is really unexpected and I was really surprised Waaaah! OMG! I can't contain my excitement! 
Thank you so much to those who suggested my work especially to kzOFFBEAT and also to Aeirmid for featuring it Love Hug 
This inspired me to practice and learn more so I can be better and hopefully create great artworks in the near future. And to all the faves, watch and comments, I can't thank you enough, I am very grateful to all of you!
This really made my day! I AM SO HAPPY!!! Woohooooo! :happybounce: :squee: w00t! 

Stocks used:

model - daestock
cyborg parts - dreamstime
cracks texture - resurgere
clocks - frozenstocks
gears - Dracoart-stock
sky - shutterstock

other stocks are mine
Image size
1000x760px 734.42 KB
© 2015 - 2025 Majentta
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Hbush's avatar

omg, superb