Wow friend, I've seen your Pin y Pon Animations and the only thing I can tell you is that your story could be a great gem if you had the necessary support to make your project emerge. Seriously, it's just beautiful and eye-catching, I loved it, and both girls are endearing characters and look very pretty, I really wish you received everything you need so you can make, I don't know... an animated series?
Hey, I would like to know something: What animals exactly are Pin and Pon? Well, she both look like vixens at first glance (a nine-tailed vixen and a magical vixen) but I would still like to know what kind of enigmatic creatures these enigmatic and pretty girls are. Hey, I like the whole theme of colors and patterns and how they combine to create or change her entire environment, but one of my favorite parts was Colors Vs Patterns (when they had their showdown) they looked kind of epic. The music was spectacular, it was... great... Oops! I sound like a parrot talking, my apologies.
Happy Late Birthday
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday ^^
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