Arrogant, slightly touchy, maybe just a hair paranoid but basically a reasonable human being. I write fan fiction - and lots of it. I write what makes me happy. Some of it's weird, some of it's strange, some of it's funny. I write mpreg because my readers seem to like it, and that's pretty much the reason I write anything. It makes people smile. If you don't like what I write, you are more than free to not read it. There are lots of other fan fiction writers. I'm just a little grey rat amusing herself.
Current Residence: Here
Favourite genre of music: Art Rock
Favourite photographer: Pointy!
Favourite style of art: Realism
Skin of choice: Sorta pink with a tattoo on my shoulder
Favourite cartoon character: Yakko, Wakko & Dot
Personal Quote: I'll get right on that...