Bethylasia in Casual WearMagicMovieNerd on DeviantArt

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Bethylasia in Casual Wear

Character  original characterLocation  World Wide Web


After seeing so many Disney Princess pictures and video clips from "Ralph Breaks the Internet," and seeing my friends :iconchumley12: and :iconcartoonlover96: do some of their OCs in casual wear, I decided to give it a shot at my OCs, too! ^^ Anyway, here's my Pagemaster OC, Bethylasia, dressed in casual wear.
I even decided to add the phrase "Look to the Books" onto her shirt. Enjoy!

Made on Azaleas Heroine Creator

Pagemaster (c) Fox
Bethylasia (c) Me
Image size
398x620px 157.56 KB
© 2018 - 2025 MagicMovieNerd
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LoverofUnicorns96's avatar
Bethylasia looks so darling in her outfit! :D