A Simple Wish: Flattened Hortense Laid DownMagicMann13225 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/magicmann13225/art/A-Simple-Wish-Flattened-Hortense-Laid-Down-1003574393MagicMann13225

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A Simple Wish: Flattened Hortense Laid Down



"Guess jokes fall a little flat. Ok just give me a hand here...o-oh well not literally no I mean just...yes that's very nice."

Murray and the gang gently lay Flattened Hortense on her couch as her flattened body stretches and lays on the couch as she lets out an echoed muffled moan. Anabel offered Murray a flat hand, making Hortense's flattened arm make some stretching and rubbery sounds.
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© 2023 - 2025 MagicMann13225
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