Icarus Tattle App filledMagicBroJohnson on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/magicbrojohnson/art/Icarus-Tattle-App-filled-845518823MagicBroJohnson

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Icarus Tattle App filled



App for the group :iconrealm-of-hoil:

【 Name 】 Icarus Tattle

【 Age 】275

【 Gender 】 Gender Fluid

【 Sexuality】Pan

【 Weight 】 195lbs

【 Height 】 5'11 (not including horns)

【 Base species 】Human

Demon species 】Horseman of Famine


Species spells:

Ravenous: An area of 10 feet around them will begin to feel the effects of Famine and begin to starve(Starvation can be food, sex or other forms of starvation) does not work on golems, archdemons or other Horsemen. This will affect common demons within moments of entering the area.

Ravenous(Contact): Upon touch the same effects as ravenous goes into effect but it is instant. This power does affect archdemons and horsemen but takes longer skin contact. The effects are 5x the strength of his aura.

Devour: Icarus can eat any sort of material without it causing internal harm. This includes toxic material and otherwise inedible things such as metals, stones. 

Personal spells: 

Element: Electric

This ability allows the user to absorb a large amount of electricity into their body to store for other magical attacks. Icarus is unable to use any of his other electrical spells if he has not absorbed any recently.

Transfer: After absorbing electricity, Icarus is able to transfer that electric power to other materials. This can be as simple of charging a piece of equipment that has no access to an electrical source. Or used in a more offensive manner to charge his own weapons such as his short staff.

Manifest Lightning: If Icarus has absorbed enough electrical power, he is able to manifest a physical lightning bolt or a whip like rope out of it. 
Lightning whip can reach up to 15 feet away.
Lighting Bolt can be thrown up for 50 feet from Icarus' position.


【 Likes 】

✦ Experimenting and science


Luxury lifestyle

His pets

【 Dislikes 】

His father

Being touched without permission

His Stutter

Bright lights

【 Personality 】

 Pride/Arrogant /Intelligent /Cheerful /Excitable.

Icarus has always been a really bright and cheerful man. He is quite polite to people up until they insult him then his pride comes out and he acts a lot more arrogant and impolite to the person who has insulted him. Though he is a very intelligent person, Icarus has very low wisdom and sometimes talks too quickly and says things he doesn’t mean, this can lead to people thinking Icarus as very blunt or rude but that is usually not his intent. He is really self conscious of his stutter and sometimes lashes out when people mock it.


✦ Before Hoil

Icarus had a hard life growing up. He was completely blind most of his life, having to learn how to survive without the use of his vision. Icarus' family did the best they could with the situation at hand. It was still quite the normal childhood. It wasn’t until Icarus was the age of 16 that the technology on the planet was high enough to be able to make bionic eyes. It was hard for the young man to get used to seeing things for the first time. More overwhelming than anything else.

It was around this time that Icarus met a demon for the very first time. It was easy to convince Icarus to sell his soul. He was willing to give up anything to knowledge.
His brain was a buzz with more knowledge than he knew what to do with it. He used this new information to fast track his education and get into a career as a head scientist.

It was during this time that he met his husband and partner. He worked closely with Russell for a few years before finally gettting married. But this was very short lived.
Icarus' death was very sudden, a brain aneurysm took him without any warning.

✦ Life in Hoil

Icarus arrived in Hoil as a lust demon, he worked at the strip club called "The Sapphire wing" before moving on to work at the Sinner's garden, it was there that he became close to the previous archdemon and the current reigning one. He stayed close to those of power and kept his head down at first until he had a better grasp on how Hoil worked.

Icarus was always trying to work his way up though in the background, eventually becoming one of Astaroth's personal concubines. Staying in this job position until the day the original Horseman of Famine had been slayed in battle outside of Hoil.
It was then when he decided to try his hand at a real gamble, convincing Astaroth that he would be the perfect replacement for the last Horseman.

Icarus now spends most of his time working as the head of the new Research and Development department in Hoil. Using his position of power and knowledge to help assist his boss in his goals of stepping outside of Hoil once more.

Misc facts

✦ If he asks you to participate in his research. DON'T
✦ Icarus can be found singing and dancing when no one is around or looking.

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