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The Devils Advocate™
158 Watchers410 Deviations



WiP | SA | Literature prompt | Songs we sing

Songs we sing Beretta Sympathy for the devil ~ The Rolling Stones This evening Beretta was assigned to train a group of new recruits. She had become used to the fact that she would have to send some home at the end of the evening. Those who wanted to defend and protect were always a motley bunch. Some had too much in their hearts and not enough in their heads in her opinion. Prometheus Pompeii ~ Bastille (Admittedly this was the second song on shuffle, but the first was a little too out of character/theme for this bab) {Great clouds roll over the hills bringing darkness from above} Tonight Thea’s dreams are of darkness. Or are they dreams at all? As inky fog dissipates they find themself atop a darkened hillside. Thunder rumbles ominously in the distance, the sky shadowy with ash and smoke. There is a sluggish breeze, it tussles their mane and carries embers down the slope. Where are they? This place is familiar somehow. As they gaze over ashen fields they come to sense a weight


410 deviations

WiP | SA | Literature prompt | Songs we sing

Songs we sing Beretta Sympathy for the devil ~ The Rolling Stones This evening Beretta was assigned to train a group of new recruits. She had become used to the fact that she would have to send some home at the end of the evening. Those who wanted to defend and protect were always a motley bunch. Some had too much in their hearts and not enough in their heads in her opinion. Prometheus Pompeii ~ Bastille (Admittedly this was the second song on shuffle, but the first was a little too out of character/theme for this bab) {Great clouds roll over the hills bringing darkness from above} Tonight Thea’s dreams are of darkness. Or are they dreams at all? As inky fog dissipates they find themself atop a darkened hillside. Thunder rumbles ominously in the distance, the sky shadowy with ash and smoke. There is a sluggish breeze, it tussles their mane and carries embers down the slope. Where are they? This place is familiar somehow. As they gaze over ashen fields they come to sense a weight


170 deviations
We've all done terrible things...

Wings of fire

19 deviations
Dreaming of blue skies

Starborn Alignment

196 deviations
068 Utopia Defeated


3 deviations
The Witch


1 deviation


5 deviations
Happy early Valentine's Day


3 deviations

Hadewings Official Info

Hadewings:Many thousands of years ago when the first dragons chose their homes, some choosing the water, the swamps, the mountains, the jungle, the desert, the ice, one small cluster of dragons decided to go down into the depths of the earth. Slipping into the realm of shadows and darkness these dragons became a part of their world, their scales dark as the shadows hard as the stone, thin and long like the tunnels and crevasses they travelled through. In this world of eternal darkness the Hadewings were founded, oblivious of the great world above them.Physical:Hadewings are always dark coloured, the only exception being princess Luminance....


2 deviations
We've all done terrible things...


4 deviations

EA Varya

6 deviations
SA | Alyce | Fury | Serora

Characters that were knocked back but I still love

1 deviation

Boucle Unicorn

1 deviation
Caesar War Paint meme

DoC Caesar

18 deviations
CoS | Chic | Zestriycor

CoS Chic

1 deviation
The Dragon


1 deviation
Adopts | Hypofoal designs

For sale

6 deviations
Chasing the sun


6 deviations