TLK Kamari's ParentsMadness-Made-Fresh on DeviantArt

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TLK Kamari's Parents



Drawn, inked, and finished in Adobe Animate by Hina


These are Baridi and Utii and Kamani's parents. Baridi's name means "cold" and Utii's name means "obedience"

About the Characters:

The Story: 
Baridi and Utii were born and raised in a pride where males did most of the work keeping the territory safe and settling disputes amongst predators and herds while the females hunted and raised the cubs. When they reached adulthood, Baridi ascended the throne and Utii became his queen. They tried for cubs, but the first litter was all girls, one of which was Kamani. Baridi tried with a few of the other lionesses, but every time they were all girls. With no male heir to succeed him, Baridi became worried. It didn't help when a neighboring territory known as the Dark Lands slowly took more and more land that inched them closer to Baridi's pride. 

These lions were feared and avoided by all surrounding prides as they were known for being ruthless and despised weakness. Rumors often spread through the herds that they killed weak or sick lions, especially during times of hardship and occasionally ate their own if there wasn't enough food. They didn't let any scavengers near their meals until they got their fill and would even attack those who got too close. 

With the Dark Land Pride coming closer and closer, Baridi was forced to make the decision to either defend his land or offer something to them to ensure peace. He decided to betroth his daughter Kamani to the eldest son of the Dark Lands king and sent several lions to ensure that the message was received. A few days later, the lions returned and said that the other king had accepted his proposal and would visit within a few weeks to finalize the betrothal. Kamani was outraged by the betrothal, but couldn't defy her father's orders without facing severe consequences. Just as promised, the pride came and finalized the betrothal and Kamani's face was sealed. 

For the next several months, Kamani tried to talk her way out of the betrothal. She listened in on meetings and gave suggestions on how to fix problems in an attempt to prove that she was more than "a simple lioness". However, she was always shooed away and scolded for interfering with "male activities". Her mother tried to convince her to just accept her fate and make things go more smoothly for everyone, but Kamani wouldn't give up so easily.

When she turned two, Kamani slipped out of the den and ventured to the border of her father's land. She waited until a handsome young lion came along and she asked him to mate with her.

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