In Decision WIPMadGardens on DeviantArt

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In Decision WIP



Mad Gardens Sketchbook - In Decision
Image size
2429x3300px 3.28 MB
Date Taken
Sep 28, 2012, 10:30:46 AM
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Biroblue's avatar
I have no clue how to deal with that shite.
I have two 9mm. guns strapped, all together 88 bullets.
Some Turks want to shoot me, I suppose I'll kill them.
I have a 1911 Derringer, how fun is that...a classic...
I found that in my Chesterfield couch. Loaded. How fun is that.
The ammo was fucked, I cleaned the gun and , reloaded....
I was never a drug dealer, But I try to stop them. Always had guns...
I can't be a damned hippie... I hope You understand now..........
I don't really hate hippies....:D[link]
No offense meant. I'm ready to die for my some shitty creature after me...
Preferably a moth called