Current Residence: boston
Favourite genre of music: punk,4ad,alternative
Favourite photographer: duane michals,francesca woodman
Favourite style of art: ahhh lots
Operating System: Windows whatever...
MP3 player of choice: Ipod
Shell of choice: turtle
Wallpaper of choice: painted
Skin of choice: my own
Favourite cartoon character: ren (ren & stimpy)
Personal Quote: I was born with webbed fish toes,like some kind of horrible fish-boy,wanna see...
Favourite Visual Artist
edward gorey
Favourite Movies
Rushmore,Life Aquatic,Royal Tenebaums,O Brother Where Art Thou,Basquait...
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
ramones,wire,mission of burma,volcano suns,throwing muses,this mortal coil,4ad stuff etc.
Favourite Writers
dylan thomas,david sedaris
Favourite Games
kick the can
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
stained glass,old windows and band-aids,and my trusty Holga
Other Interests
art,photography,edward gorey,the sea,glass,lemons...