.:HH - Star Carnival:.maacchan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/maacchan/art/HH-Star-Carnival-527306063maacchan

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maacchan's avatar

.:HH - Star Carnival:.



I've been drowning in finals work and barely really have time to draw for myself..

But that aside-- I can't believe Hoshizora High is closing.. my heart is breaking _(:'C j L)_

That aside, there are going to be a bunch of events before it does though and I'm hoping to be able to attend them all! The one I'm looking forward to the most is the prom or the Star Carnival, however... my girl doesn't have a date yet :iconmingplz:

keeping my fingers crossed she gets one though!

Also, I'm contemplating if I should update her app or not-- since her hair grew out already and her hair is still really short on the app....

Art + Harumi Ichikawa (c) Me
Image size
1024x1633px 934.14 KB
© 2015 - 2025 maacchan
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zerogotchi's avatar
aaaaah so prettyyyyy haruchan /////