Cuddly Green ThingLyssieMil on DeviantArt

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LyssieMil's avatar

Cuddly Green Thing



I have purple and green, but no pink. Except for Lynexi's blush. :icondontunderstandplz: Oh and I decided to draw GIR in his dog-outfit.
Seems to be more popular than his actual form...? O_____O;
Lynexi does NOT belong to me, she belongs to BAMMM -->:iconyamatoxxxonee-san:<--- It's her OC.
This is for her contest, rules and regulations can be found on her page. I think. XD
Excuse my colorblindness. :iconorzplz: For something that I made in such little time, this is pretty dayum good. :icongreatjobplz: I'm a bit proud...I guess. Sorry, there's a lot of mistakes. I think. :shrug:
I hope I win, and if anyone would like to contribute prizes, you can contact her.
Anyone who wants to participate, go for it! There are two themes to pick from though; you'll know what I mean when you click the link to her journal~! :iconfeelingfullplz:
Thanks for looking at this. :iconhappyhappyplz:
"To make room for the cupcake!"- GIR
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1000x1200px 527.3 KB
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RosePebbles's avatar
Awww thats jus incrediblyyy cuuuuuteeeeee