Lyoko-fan's avatar


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Hocus Pocus... by Lyoko-fan, literature

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Hocus Pocus... by Lyoko-fan, literature

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  • Feb 16
  • United States
  • Deviant for 16 years
Whiskers: Submitted to the April Fools' Day category
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (841)
My Bio

Me Lyoko_fan! Likes: CODE LYOKO!!! Swimming, video games, movies, Death Note, Daniel Radcliffe, Harry Potter, video games, reading, astronomy, science, video games, Disney, Resident Evil, OHSHC, blah, blah, blah...
Dislikes: Mean people, bugs, yogurt, cliches, smoking, drugs, alcohol, more stuff.

坂本 Sakamoto 菜摘 Natsumi

Current Residence: U.S.A
Favourite genre of music: Techno
Favourite photographer: Don't have one
Favourite style of art: Anything goes
Operating System: ?
MP3 player of choice: No MP3s
Shell of choice: ?
Wallpaper of choice: ?
Skin of choice: ?
Favourite cartoon character: Probably Stitch
Personal Quote: Take it off, or I break it off.

Favourite Visual Artist
Not sure
Favourite Movies
Death Note Live Action
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Daft Punk
Favourite Writers
Hard to pick
Favourite Games
Zelda, Sonic, Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, Harvest Moon, etc.
Favourite Gaming Platform
I can't choose!
Tools of the Trade
Colored Pencils, #2 pencil, sketch pad, and camera
Other Interests
Anything not involved with reality

Random thoughts

0 min read
Leaves are falling around my town now, with Fall on the way. I saw some, and the following thoughts came to me."One day, I'll be like those leaves. I'll die, and everything I am will cease to be. Everything I do, all the things that make me ME will vanish. Everyone I know and love will die, and until I perish, it's just one long, long cinematic experience until the end. This cannot be avoided. There is no way to flee from the End of All, try as we might."...These thoughts terrify me. I had them yesterday, and I broke down sobbing into my bed. I am having them again, and I don't know if I should go to work or not. My heart starts pounding, ...
anonymous's avatar
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So I'm babysitting my niece and nephew. It's been less than an hour, and I'm already going nuts! Help! D:
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Pokemon Go

0 min read
I got Pokemon Go yesterday (so I'd have a reason to actually get off my fat butt, go outside and walk around) and today I walked about 2 legs, they scream at me for torturing them. They tingle, like the little bubbles in soda do...but I want a Pikachu dang it!...And you know what? I'm just gonna do it all again tomorrow! XD
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Profile Comments 3.4K

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Taleea's avatar

Heya, how are you doing?

Thank you for the fave and your support of my project by giving it. Not only was this really kind of you, but it's also highly appreciated.  ^^

Have a great day, stay safe and healthy and thank you once again. :3

Southrobin's avatar
Thanks for the fave on my Undertale fanart! Hug
If you want, feel free to follow for more in the future! :iconsansundertaleplz:
REDscar101's avatar
Thanks for faving <3
HetemSenar's avatar

Thank you so much for the :+fav: I really appreciate it! :iconheartlessplz:

jadethestone's avatar
Thanks for the fave on my Pokemon comic! Have a great day!
FloatySkye's avatar
Thank you very much for the favs! I really appreciate it :huggle:
DarthDemolsis's avatar
Thanks for the fave!