LynnStrife's avatar


My Reality is Mine Alone
260 Watchers213 Deviations
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137. by DanielDGriffiths, literature

Right Where You Left It by SugarCoveredDreams, literature

instead, instead, instead by moondrums, literature

Ersatz by jonathoncomfortreed, literature

You and Me by skelebrity, literature

absolute by izha, literature

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Digital Art
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (269)
My Bio

Hello~! Thank you for visiting my DA page!

I'm Lynn and my greatest passion is drawing. It's my goal to become a better artist. Drawing is a way of living for me.
Of course I still have much to learn, but that's why I'm here. =) (Smile)

Feel free to browse around! Heart

Favourite genre of music: J-Pop, J-Rock, game/movie soundtracks, New Age, Easy Listening, Trance, Dance, Synthpop, Trailer Music, DnB
Favourite style of art: Manga
Operating System: Mac
MP3 player of choice: iPod Touch
Personal Quote: ”I want to live a life I can be proud of.”

Favourite Visual Artist
Tetsuya Nomura & Oh! Great
Favourite Movies
Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children Complete & Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Favourite TV Shows
City Hunter
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Gackt-UtadaHikaru-Rurutia-Ayaka-EikoShimamiya-Chiaki Ishikawa-OwlCity-BACK ON-Globus-Lifehouse
Favourite Writers
Darren Shan
Favourite Games
DoC+CC- Final Fantasy VII & Kingdom Hearts II+358/2 Days+BBS & TWEWY
Favourite Gaming Platform
PSP, PS2, PS3 and DS
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop CS2, Painter X
Other Interests
Anime/Manga, Final Fantasy, drawing, writing, gaming, reading

Christmas! :D

0 min read
Heeeeey everyone!So yeah I log in after 2 weeks again and I still hardly have enough time to answer most of my messages, BUT HEY! 8DI am here to already wish you guys a MERRY CHRISTMAAAAAS!!!!!!! >D I hope you all have a great time with family, friends, or whoever you (...have to? :P) spend the days with! ;D Let's have a great time this year as well! :heart:...Wow. I know, I know. You've all been waiting for this. I KNOW I'M AMA- XD *slaps herself* ...nvm xP:hug: Lynn-OH! I wish you a Merry Christmaaaaaas~ (I know I shouldn't sing. it destroys your ears, trust me)
anonymous's avatar
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Heeeey guys!This is Lynn speaking! That daft girl that just disappeared for 2 months! xD anyways, I'm still alive! This'll be a short journal I'm afraid, but I just wanted to let you (well, who's interested, that is) know that I'm not dead, I'm doing fine, and I WILL TRY to reply to your messages... asap. ^^; I probably won't be online that much the coming months, but I'll try to log in more often, at least to reply to some of your messages...So yeah~ Life's good, but I'm very busy. I haven't drawn for weeks (well, I did sketch a bit, just doodling, but that's all X'3). I hope you guys are doing fine? :)Sorry, but this'll be it for now... ...
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WOW, seriously, it was 26° here today! :O_o: And now it's already 8:50 PM, and it's still like 22°. I mean come on, it's September 29 already?! It's almost October — it's already friggin' Autumn! :o ...Not that I dislike it or anything, it's just weird... 2012, anyone? :P It's like everything's changing - the climate, earth, people... wth is going on here, huh? ...Yeah, that's what I ask a lot lately, everything just feels weird. And even though many people are sceptical towards the 2012 happening, I just can't believe that nothing will happen.. No, I'm not saying the earth will explode, or that some kind of super hero will come save us, o...
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draculablade's avatar
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :D :cake: :party:
JacobMainland's avatar
Happy birthday! :iconteddyplz:
JacobMainland's avatar
Happy birthday!!
Best wishes from your watcher ^_^
Have a wonderful day today! :party:

:wave: :love: :hug: :heart: :gallery: :+fav: :iconbackhug: :iconlovehug: :iconcarameldansenplz: :iconteddyplz: :flowerpot: :cake: :tmnt1: :tmnt2: :tmnt3: :tmnt4: :kitty: :fish: :earth: :dance: :D :) B-) :iconspinplz: :orange: :typerhappy: :winner: :trophy: :tux: :snowflake: :deviation: :milk: :meow: :milk: :iconbackhug: :iconlovehug: :popcorn: :sun: :tux: :w00t: :orange: :giggle: :iconsmilecakeplz: :iconcute-plz: :party:


:iconteddyplz: :iconteddyplz: :iconteddyplz: :iconteddyplz: :iconteddyplz: :iconteddyplz: :iconteddyplz: :iconteddyplz:

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:iconbummy1: :iconbummy2: :iconbummy3: :iconbummy1: :iconbummy2: :iconbummy3: :iconbummy1: :iconbummy2: :iconbummy3: :iconbummy1: :iconbummy2: :iconbummy3: :iconbummy1: :iconbummy2: :iconbummy3: :iconbummy1: :iconbummy2: :iconbummy3:
OrangeLetters88's avatar
Nice gallery!! *.* 
bloodbendingmaster97's avatar