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lwc71's avatar
"Lisa-Schneider" 20岁的告别


她的签名:"Always believe.Best in yourself"

"20 years old-dreamer, wordtraveller and storyteller.

I love to write down, what I feel, think and see and of course to photograph. (:

In 2008 I got my first DSLR, the Canon EOS 1000D.
Since Autmn 2011 it's the the Canon EOS 60D.
I fell in love with capturing moments, memories and feelings, and extended not only my equipment with many lenses and all that stuff, but also my knowledge about photography, seeing things in another way, listening to my soul. Photography taught me to see the little things in life..."
关于摄影她这样想one reason I am doing photography is to capture magical moments like this. There are just those pictures that mean so much to yourself, that you can't even explain it to others with any words.
I love the little things. nature's little wonders. the small ones, the bright colours, shades, circles, colours and lines. others would go by without even seeing them.



I don't want to lose this feeling by Lisa-Schneider


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