Fakemon-Sona ChallengeLuzebel on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/luzebel/art/Fakemon-Sona-Challenge-794708261Luzebel

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Fakemon-Sona Challenge



Me and some friends have made a group where we get a keyword per week we try to at least sketch sth. Well..... here is my result XD

# F-M Luzebel
Type: Fairy type Type psy 
The Dwarf-Hyena Pokemon
In ancient times, this Pokemon was mostly tamed to be a royal pet. It isn't very strong physically but owns a vast psychic energy which it likes using to make objects float. It is known to be very friendly and cuddly. It has a faible for silver crowns which floats over the head each moment it is awake. If it looses their crown or someone takes it away it will be very very very sad. This cute little thing will refuse to fight, so it isn't a good choice for battle-seeking trainers.

Pose-Reference by MeluuArts
Image size
1809x1860px 1.09 MB
© 2019 - 2025 Luzebel
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