Phantom's Wolf TutorialLurking-Phantom on DeviantArt

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Phantom's Wolf Tutorial



NOTE: BY MAKING THIS TUTORIAL, I AM NOT CLAIMING THAT I AM PERFECT AT DRAWING WOLVES OR THAT YOU SHOULD DO EVERYTHING THAT I DO. I am merely trying to help people out, because I know that I had a lot of trouble at first, and that I didn't find many of the tutorials out there very helpful. You'd be surprised at how many tutorials are out there that have horrible anatomy and try to get you to copy what they do to draw..


I FINALLY Finished this. After much procrastination, frustration, pages not loading, and hard work, I have this tutorial up at last. DeviantART tried to keep me from uploading this by refusing to let the category page load, but I finally succeeded. ((Thanks :iconahlsi: for helping me out! x3))

This was requested by :iconpegasusflight:, by the way. I really hope this helps you.

Don't steal, trace, or redistribute. I DO reserve the right to stab you with my fork (:fork:) if you do so. Ye be warned...

Stock photos used: [link] [link] [link]
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651x5596px 1.4 MB
© 2010 - 2025 Lurking-Phantom
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Greywolf-169's avatar
Thanks for this tutorial. I started drawing at the end of 2015 and like to draw wolves. But I didn`t find my style or OC.
Think, it needs more time to find it out and one day I`ll find it out.