Look at the StarsLurking-Phantom on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lurking-phantom/art/Look-at-the-Stars-181416288Lurking-Phantom

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Lurking-Phantom's avatar

Look at the Stars



My first attempt at a lineless picture. It turned out okay.. Better than I expected, though I was secretly hoping it would turn out better than this. Meh. I still like it a lot. :heart:

I hope you like it App. :heart:

Art (c) Me
Characters (c) :iconx-apparition: and I

Steal and I will make sure that you die a long and painful death. :iconffffuuuuplz:
Image size
680x1000px 647.87 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Lurking-Phantom
anonymous's avatar
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Rabid-Lycan's avatar
Oo, I like it.
If I may say so, I think a few things are a little awkward-- mostly with the limbs. The folding of the upper arms could be a bit more pronounced (with shading) to make it look more like a folded arm instead of a paw sprouting from the chest (mostly looking at the lighter wolf here x3). The hind legs of the darker wolf look a little on the thin side as well.
Overall, though, I do enjoy this :) It looks wonderful for being your first lineless picture, and I adore their facial expressions... and their bellies :meow: