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Artist // Professional // Digital Art
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DeviantArt Originals: Participated in April Fools' Day 2018
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (1)
Nice Shot: Nice shot! (1)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
My Bio

Luniara is a self made digital artist with a distinct style across many artistic platforms such as deviantART and Patreon. Her perception and execution of line, color and texture make her truly unique among others of this genre.

She has gained notoriety worldwide for her annual piece honoring her sister and other victims of the 9/11 tragedy, as well as her pieces benefitting patients suffering from Cystic Fibrosis. She regularly uses her audience to hold events to benefit charities such as child's play which helps children suffering from life-threatening illnesses gain access to entertainment consoles and the gaming community

She is often streaming her work online for anyone who wishes to watch and is extremely approachable for information and advice on her processes and techniques.

Favourite Visual Artist
Danica Sills, Amelion, Loish
Favourite Movies
The Lion King
Favourite TV Shows
Supernatural, Doctor Who, Impractical Jokers
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Michael Jackson
Favourite Books
The Dispossessed, Harry Potter, Goosebumps
Favourite Writers
Ursula K. Le Guin
Favourite Games
The Lion King (Sega Genesis)
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Ipad Pro 12.9", Procreate, Paint Tool Sai, Wacom Cintiq 13 HD, Copic Markers
Other Interests
I got my start posting on the internet here, in the early 2000s. It was a modest start, but it was also the early days where all people cared about was pageview numbers and drawing for themselves. Back then, I was constantly drawing for ME and expressing what I was going through in my artwork. Which was when I began my yearly 9/11 drawings. Some of them had even been chosen for daily deviations (does that still exist on here), and soon, many of you came to expect it every year and returned to this account, whether I was active or not, as the years went by. Many of you still do. I may forget to post my work here, or any updates at all...but I think of you who return here to see that one single post a year that marks that anniversary of my emotional journey. So this is a thank you to all of those who come here in search of that art and for thinking of me, my family and most importantly, my sister. It tells me my art is doing its job in helping to keep her spirit alive. Your
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Remember way back in the day when we would value DA accounts by "pageviews" and not followers?
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Join me tonight on my twitch at 7pm EST for my annual livestream.
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Profile Comments 3.2K

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Lodocus's avatar

Beautiful drawings! :)

SirStrazzen's avatar
As others have said ,   Happy Birthday Luni !  Hug +fav    I do hope you & yours have a wonderful & Blessed day together as they celebrate your Day of Birth once again,  & hoping that  The  ones dearest to you {{the little ones}} make it special for Mommy. 

Be well & do take care on this special day of celebration for you.   :-)   S_S  /  aka: TheSirStrazzen @ Discord   Heart +fav  
Myq-Annon's avatar
Happy Birthday 
Erik-the-Okapi's avatar
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:iconrainbowbummiecakeplz: :iconrainbowbummiecakeplz: :iconrainbowbummiecakeplz: :iconrainbowbummiecakeplz: :iconrainbowbummiecakeplz: :iconrainbowbummiecakeplz: :iconrainbowbummiecakeplz: :iconrainbowbummiecakeplz:
BloodRavens1's avatar
Happy b-day *gives you strawberry cake* here is video Bongo Cat - Birthday Song (TRAP REMIX) (notmine)…

cat emperor by BloodRavens1  Wizard Cat by BloodRavens1  Cat sleeping on dude face by BloodRavens1 silly cats drawn i did by BloodRavens1
DanielFRod's avatar
Happy Birthday!
Tribble-Industries's avatar
Happy Birthday, sorry about the clone trooper birthday cake, the fangirls hijacked it!