A.. A Little Present..LuneWoof on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lunewoof/art/A-A-Little-Present-785565973LuneWoof

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A.. A Little Present..



Min stares at Kayra with his hands forward, holding a box of Valentines Chocolates. Kayra's face turns all red and he tries to say some words but all that comes out is: "Ehh. Wha.. Ehhmm Wha-What...." Then he stops trying to talk and thinks while his eyes are focused on Min. Then he realizes Min knows nothing about Earth or the traditions. "Uhm.." Kayra tries to get it together. "Min, why did you buy me that?" Min answers: "Well, because I wanted to give you something. Because, I appreciate you." Kayra let's out a sigh in relieve and then grins a little with his face still a bit red. "Min, do you even know what that gift means?" Min's face looks a little confused. "No." He says. "Is it bad?" Kayra grins again. "Well," he says, "It means.." Kayra whispers in Min's ear what a Valentine's gift means. Min's face turns red as Kayra continues that explenation. "Oh.." Min says. "I'm sorry." Kayra laughs and gives Min a big hug. "It's okay." Min smiles gently. 
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