Three Twisted VillainsLunarFrostQueen45 on DeviantArt

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Three Twisted Villains



It's been a long time since I've played a dressup game on Azalea's since Flash died, but luckily I found a way around it. ;) (Wink) 
Anyway, ya girl has been addicted to a little game called Twisted Wonderland. So, I made three looks inspired by different characters from the game for three of my OCs, which could also double as dorm uniforms for Twisted Wonderland (although the game takes place in an all-boys magic school, let's pretend that it's co-ed here). Ya know 'em, ya love 'em; my main three girls as iconic Disney villains, or rather sorted into three different dorms.

Left to right: Zani as Jafar (sorted into Scarabia), Cat as the Evil Queen/Queen Grimhilde (sorted into Pomefiore), and Kyra as Maleficent (sorted into Diasomnia)

If I had to choose which look is my favorite, I have to go with Cat's...this game lets me get the closest to what I've envisioned, though I would like to draw what I really want it to look like someday. Kyra looks kinda out of place when it comes to the uniform using this game, so I want to make another uniform for her using Kisekae...I didn't want just Cat and Zani here, though. Sweating a little... 

Game (c) Azalea's Dolls/Doll Divine
Twisted Wonderland (c) Yana Toboso, Disney, Aniplex
Cat, Zani, and Kyra (c) ME!!!

LFQ45 Disclaimer: Under no circumstances should I see my work faved into a collection under an offensive name. In addition, my work shall not be attacked with comments linked to potential hacking, inappropriate content, and/or irrelevant advertisement. Theft of this work is prohibited. Deviants who violate this disclaimer will be blocked and reported with NO exceptions! Also, NO MEAN COMMENTS!!Rage Pissed 

Hope you like it! :D (Big Grin)   
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© 2023 - 2025 LunarFrostQueen45
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XxLilyRainbowxX's avatar

How are you playing flash games without flash? :|