The Frozen Sorceress - REUPLOADLunarFrostQueen45 on DeviantArt

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LunarFrostQueen45's avatar

The Frozen Sorceress - REUPLOAD



Hello! I decided to remake Cat's overblot form since I didn't like the first version. So, here's my second take on it!I am a dummy! 

Bullet; Black I'm only playing around with the overblot concept from Twisted Wonderland, so this isn't really associated with the official game.
Bullet; Black The fit of the dress looks so much better here! Ya girl loves mermaid dresses! The front slit with the icicles is just *chef's kiss*
Bullet; Black Speaking of icicles, I went a bit crazy with a certain belt piece but it made working on this much easier lol
Bullet; Black I couldn't do much regarding the bottom hem of the dress behind Cat. I apologize if it looks out of place! Forgive me! 
Bullet; Black I was running out of ideas around the shoes, so forgive me if they look a little out of place compared to the rest of the outfit.Sweating a little... 
Bullet; Black Closeup of Overblot Cat 
Bullet; Black I can imagine this song being her battle theme:…

Twisted Wonderland (c) Yana Toboso, Disney, Aniplex
Cat (c) ME!!
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Hope you like it! :D (Big Grin)   
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© 2023 - 2025 LunarFrostQueen45
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LunarFrostQueen45's avatar

I’m so sorry for not making her saturated like in the game. I tried in the first version but it didn’t look right…^^;