Kian's Approved Color PaletteLunarFrostQueen45 on DeviantArt

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Kian's Approved Color Palette



HAHAHA I made a color palette for one of my antagonists! EVIL Laughter! 
Here's Kian in his his approved colors!
Left to right: Sky blue, royal blue, red, yellow, green, and purple

Bullet; BlueI swear this b@$turd will take every opportunity to match his sweet and innocent ex, Cat. If she wears blue, so will he. Unimpressed 
Bullet; RedI got a little lazy with the red color scheme since I use it for so many of my characters already.
Bullet; YellowFor the yellow color scheme, I took a page from Leona Kingscholar from Twisted Wonderland. I guess it's because they have some things in common? Kian does view Cat as his prey...(I flubbed up on the tie colors so it looks like he’s in Hufflepuff in Harry Potter)
Bullet; GreenNothing too special for green, though I may have unintentionally sorted him into Slytherin with that getup.
Bullet; PurpleI took a page from another character from Twisted Wonderland with this color scheme - this time from Vil Schoenheit. I swear Kian and Vil have so much in common with their respective acting careers right down to their narcissism and raging envy towards another person (Kian hates his former friend, Sunny, with a burning passion). If Kian were a student at Night Raven College, he'd be a bona fide Pomefiore for sure. Vil's uniform colors work so well for Kian tbh 
(I'm gonna address that I made Kian way before I got into TW)

Kian (c) ME!!
LFQ45 Disclaimer: Under no circumstances should I see my work faved into a collection under an offensive name. In addition, my work shall not be attacked with comments linked to potential hacking, inappropriate content, and/or irrelevant advertisement. Theft of this work is prohibited. Deviants who violate this disclaimer will be blocked and reported with NO exceptions! Also, NO MEAN COMMENTS!!Rage Pissed 

Hope you like it! :D (Big Grin) 
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