Gift - Sheridan for SherendipityLunarFrostQueen45 on DeviantArt

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LunarFrostQueen45's avatar

Gift - Sheridan for Sherendipity



This is a gift for @Sherendipity

I made her main OC, Sheridan, on kisekae. I tried my best using her reference, though I did take some creative liberties around her shirt. Sorry if I didn’t make the vitiligo patches correctly!:forgiveme:

For kisekae users: Please don’t ask for the code; I don’t give them out!

Kisekae (c) Pochikou

Sheridan (c) @Sherendipity

LFQ45 Disclaimer: Under no circumstances should I see my work faved into a collection under an offensive name. In addition, my work shall not be attacked with comments linked to potential hacking, inappropriate content, and/or irrelevant advertisement. Theft of this work is prohibited. Deviants who violate this disclaimer will be blocked and reported with NO exceptions! Also, NO MEAN COMMENTS!! 

Hope you like it! :D

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551x1351px 84.59 KB
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