Balga - Battle Arena Toshinden 3LunarBladeZX on DeviantArt

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Balga - Battle Arena Toshinden 3



An RPG Maker 2000/2003-styled sprite sheet of Duke's "Organization" counterpart Balga from Battle Arena Toshinden 3. Contains two different sprites. One with his visor raised (like in artworks, his taunt and face portrait on the game's character select screen) and one with it lowered (in-game). Design is primarily based on his in-game design with a few cues taken from his official artwork by Tsubasa Kotobuki.

Pieces from the generators on the website were used and then modified to make this. In particular:
"RTP Armour2" by Giovy LoCa.
"Celata" by Senshi.

Please credit the site and users above if you intend to use this sheet in a fan game or something like that.
Image size
288x256px 3.64 KB
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