Its time for a contest!Ok here is what you have to do! Desing me an OC!Rules:
:bulletred:1. She needs to been original
:bulletyellow:2. Its has to be a pony!
:bulletblue:3. She can be an aliorn earth pony a peagus or an unicorn!!
:bulletpurple: 4. If you enter you must write a bio for her!
:bulletpink:5. You can enter once!!
:bulletgreen:6. DEATHLINE 26 OF JUNE!!
:bulletblack: 7.The quality counts as extra
:bulletred:8.If you make a icon form that pony you'll get 10 points right away!Judges/donators:
:iconaskkoji:Prizes!((still in progress))
:bulletyellow:1st price will be 20 poi...