lulz-Vx's avatar

lulz-Vx srsly
125 Watchers36 Deviations


1 min read
Because i am insanely bored, and also happen to have a shitload of assignments due this week, and an exam in 3 weeks time.

Please entertain me.

P.s. no question is too offensive, although the replies might be.

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Go Vote

1 min read

Vote for :iconsientia: (cosplaying as lady gaga for april fools) so she can win mucho vouchers, and hopefully spread some love my way. seriously. I could use some new stuff. Go vote. Now.

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How was everyone's halloween? I didn't get to dress up and go anywhere, but i did attend two Neil Gaiman talks at the singapore writers festival.

I must say, the artists who based morpheus off him did a really really good job. It seriously felt like we were in the room with the dream king himself. And when he answered questions and did readings from The Graveyard Book and Who Killed Amanda Palmer it felt like we were guests in the dreaming, listening to a tale never written from Lucien's library.

After the talk (and an hour long queue) i managed to get…


Oh. Also, Neil and i (thats right i get to call him neil now) have grown to share a common bond, as his girlfriend ran after mine in the rain to put her on the guest list for her concert.

Amanda Fucking Palmer baby.

...I was going to write more, and more coherently but i just realized that my exam is in two hours and i'm still sitting around in my boxers. Uh-oh.

Journal Design by SkadiWu

PS Brushes: wyckedBrush Darkresources JamesRushforth
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From :iconsientia:

>>> Be one of the first 18 people commenting on this journal entry, and I will add you to the Featured List!

>>> For each of the 18 first people answering this journal I will put his/her avatar and the three deviations I like most from his/her gallery on the list.

>>> If you answer, you'll have to do the same in your journal, putting me on the first place, completing the list with 17 other people. The idea of this is not to get a free feature, it is to spread art around for everyone.


1) :iconsientia: Lenneigh gets 6, because utterance is really one big wahh wahh picture

cloud on my tongue
Utterance I
Utterance II
Utterance III
Water Mage
look the other way

2) :iconcerafi: Ariki

Versailles: Hizaki hime
ghetto Spice Len 03
GS4 Trucy Wright
And her K-on cosplays and other stuff because she's fucking hot and i've only seen her from a distance because somehow i just never ever bump into her at cons

3) :iconravenrockmind: Ravenrockmind!

OkiKagu Chibis!
Easter OkiKagu

4):iconst-arcana: St-Arcana

Klepto Chibi
G Virus Fluidz

5) :iconbearygood: CLARE BECAUSE SHE'S SO ORSM (no seriously, she has the best work out of the bunch)

The Birthday Knife

6) :icontenjin-kai: TENJIN, because she's orsm and lent me her sword hahahah.

The Black Feathered Strategist
Moo goes teh cow
ALL of her Anji pictures!

7) :iconsplatgoestomato: err. iono, just cause!

Just isn't the same

8) :iconthestarktorialist: Hinamomo. She gets more because she's just too cute, plus she featured me ages ago. oh, and she's my other boyfriend.

Spanner 1
Spanner 2
Ciel 2
Ciel 3
Takasugi 1
Takasugi 2

9) :iconthebakasaru: Because she lent me her towel. And i stole her boyfriend's toothpaste.

Come to me
Sing the song
Ranka Lee

10) :icontogusa208:

The fog
The grasslands of afghanistan
Singapore in fog


Bless the Broken Road
hide and seek
melz damn chio
Translated Differences

12) :iconmini-mivi:
Rules of Play
"I'll show you"
be quiet

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I'm bored to death at work, and the studio's airconditioning is freezing -_-

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formspring by lulz-Vx, journal

Go Vote by lulz-Vx, journal

Happy All Hallow's Eve Everyone! by lulz-Vx, journal

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