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lulz-Vx's avatar

Literature Text

As the moon filtered through the branches and leaves cast patches of shadow on their faces, he was struck yet again by just how beautiful she was. Full of vivacity, laughter came easily and often to her and with him at least, he thought with a touch of conceit, it was never forced or contrived.

“Oy” she prodded, stirring him from one of those mini-reveries he was so prone to slipping into these days. “Watch where you’re going, you’re about to walk into a bloody tree.”

“Yes,” he smiled wryly “that does seem like the kind of thing that would happen to one of us wouldn’t it.”

“Stop trying to sidetrack. Now who are these girls in your life now. Especially that one. It seems like things have gotten pretty serious for you guys. What have i missed?”

He sighed. How was he supposed to explain that without her, it scarcely mattered who he was with or what he felt. He was making do.

“Why so great a sigh conquering hero?” she elbowed him “The maidens have finally noticed you! Well. Some of them anyways.”

The shade of the tree they passed under just then blocked her view of his eyes, and so it was that she missed that tiny glint, the hardening of resolve as he decided to tell her the truth.

“You know that i’ve never lied to you,” he began, shaking a little as he mustered his resolve and fought against the irrational fear of her turning and running and the hope, that damnable hope! That the impossible might just happen.

“and so, that candor compels me to tell you this. A word from you, be it now or a decade from now, and they’re gone.”

Under the muted orange glow from the streetlamp that framed her face, her sad smile was his answer.

“I’m home.” She said simply. “We’ll catch up again soon alright?”

He nodded, and turned to make his way down the road home again, alone.
Er. Re-post of something i wrote awhile ago when a friend came back from overseas because i'm a fucking genius that managed to somehow accidentally delete the original
© 2009 - 2025 lulz-Vx
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