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Writing commissions open
444 Watchers479 Deviations



Dance of the waves [Gift]

It´s an endless back and forth Of tide at beach Let´s take time to visit port And let´s dance each Who doesn´t enjoy the sea And salt in the air For a moment, let us flee Our duties fair share And enjoy the dance of waves The endless blue Ocean both whispers and raves And pulls us through The simple joy of seeing water Feeling just so free Don´t let anything else to bother You here at the sea

Recommended for You

479 deviations

Dance of the waves [Gift]

It´s an endless back and forth Of tide at beach Let´s take time to visit port And let´s dance each Who doesn´t enjoy the sea And salt in the air For a moment, let us flee Our duties fair share And enjoy the dance of waves The endless blue Ocean both whispers and raves And pulls us through The simple joy of seeing water Feeling just so free Don´t let anything else to bother You here at the sea


366 deviations

Dance of the waves [Gift]

It´s an endless back and forth Of tide at beach Let´s take time to visit port And let´s dance each Who doesn´t enjoy the sea And salt in the air For a moment, let us flee Our duties fair share And enjoy the dance of waves The endless blue Ocean both whispers and raves And pulls us through The simple joy of seeing water Feeling just so free Don´t let anything else to bother You here at the sea

Commissions, requests, gifts...

223 deviations

I want that drink now

Fanfiction: Loki, Avengers Everything went to hell. Well, not literally to hell, but even that would be better compared to sheer madness the universe was turning into, and Loki had no idea what to do now. For once, it wasn´t his fault, but it also was and he had no idea how to fix it. Or whenever it could be fixed. God damn it, he would like a drink now. Pacing, he stopped abruptly, remembering his last conversation with Tony Stark. That human was annoyingly arrogant, but also had a display of liquors that could compete with average bar and Loki wanted nothing else than to drown in that alcohol right now. Taking advantage of the fact that no one seemed to be paying him attention right now, he grabbed the Tesseract and teleported back to Stark Tower. The place seemed to be in the middle of reconstructions, most of the debris already gone and the destroyed sofa replaced with a new, beige leather one. Sighing, Loki threw himself on it and let himself sink into cushions. Sound of

Fanfiction - English

48 deviations

Dance of the waves [Gift]

It´s an endless back and forth Of tide at beach Let´s take time to visit port And let´s dance each Who doesn´t enjoy the sea And salt in the air For a moment, let us flee Our duties fair share And enjoy the dance of waves The endless blue Ocean both whispers and raves And pulls us through The simple joy of seeing water Feeling just so free Don´t let anything else to bother You here at the sea

Haiku and Poetry

157 deviations

Summer playtime

 What a beautiful day to go to beach, Emily thought, when she looked out of window in the morning. Sun shone brightly and fresh sea breeze brought temping salty smell. Emily let it play with her short brown hair. With smile on her lips, she ate the breakfast and set on the way to her favourite beach. She wanted to dive, so she packed a swimsuit, snorkel and some snacks for later.  And maybe some towel would be good too... Soon, Emily was prepared to spend most of the day on the beach. Not wanting to wait any longer, Emily headed to the eastern part of coast, which wasn´t visited by many people. It didn´t took much time before she reached s...


69 deviations

10 krokov vpred

Vpred Neotáčať sa Krok za krokom Ísť za novým životom Robiť veci inak, možno lepšie Minulosť nechať za sebou spať samu Zabudnúť, necítiť, netrúchliť, len a len ísť Dúfať, aspoň trochu – báť sa, ale nie priveľmi Otvoriť oči a vidieť cesty idúce všetkými smermi naraz Každá inde. Každá vpred. Každá k nádeji na lepší zajtrajšok


66 deviations

Vianocny stromcek [Gift]

Vianočný stromček fanfiction: Fullmetal Alchemist   „Och... to bola zase misia!“ zahundral Ed a zvalil sa do kresla. Al si sadol na zem uprostred obývačky a z brnenia sa mu vysypala kopa piesku. „Prisahám, že Plukovníka Mustanga baví posielať nás do púštnych dedín,“ sťažoval sa Ed ďalej. „Človek tam nájde najviac tak pár piesočných červov v polievke ale žiadnu stopu po Kameni Mudrcov.“ Al si zložil helmu brnenia aby z jej pántov vytriasol piesok. Tváril sa rovnako znechutene ako jeho brat, pokiaľ to len pre brnenie je možné. „A ešte k tomu sme tam museli ísť pred Vianocami! Ani som nemal čas nakúpiť všetkým darčeky,“ zafňukal Al a smutne z...

Fanfiction - Slovensky

5 deviations
snow-covered tree


3 deviations

Drawings and pictures

21 deviations