LukeThePetr's avatar


139 Watchers35 Deviations
  • June 16
  • Czech Republic
  • Deviant for 5 years
  • He / Him
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (11)
Mystery Egg: You submitted your 1st deviation, amazing! But what's this...? Something has magically appeared.
Baby Blob: Achievement unlocked! Your 2nd deviation made the Mystery Egg hatch.
Bouncing Blob: Your 5th deviation's making it jump for joy!
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (2)

Profile Comments 12

anonymous's avatar
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xEllajanex's avatar

Hey, Thanks for the watch.

You're amazing ♡

Love Ella.


BallooningBusiness's avatar

Thanks for the watch! Make sure to join the Discord server for images that don't make it onto DA, put in a request of your own, and to hang out with us!

nerdmouse98's avatar

Hi! ^w^

Thanks so much for watching me! <3

I hope you enjoy what you see! :3

endeavourAI's avatar

Thanks for watching me!

MorphoAI's avatar

Thank you for watching me!
