I am a Brazilian medical student who just LOVES to draw since from that I know myself by people. And I am passionate about art. I spend hours watching the deviantations of others.
I like to play around with photoshop but never do anything too memorable...What I really like is the pencil and paper. Scratches leave at any time, that's the why I do not study any holding pen or pencil ... Poor books ... LOL
What I like to draw? Usually what comes to mind ... lately I've drawn a lot of Anne Rice's characters, because I'm reading some books and get inspired. I also love to draw Axl Rose, my biggest idol ... What else? Ah! Animals! I love animals, years and years watching animal planet! LOL
Well this is ... I hope to meet people that like my drawings!
I've got a tumblr! There I post some doodles... and also finished art, but this one I also post here... But there I reblog some stuff that I'm fan too... Ah... thas it www.luizagm.tumblr.com
Current Residence: BR
Favourite genre of music: Rock