(MMD) Don't Worry... I'm HereLuigi192837465 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/luigi192837465/art/MMD-Don-t-Worry-I-m-Here-743166837Luigi192837465

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(MMD) Don't Worry... I'm Here



Back in time, when the habitants of the Mushroom Kingdom thought that Waluigi was dead, they announced a funeral, the next morning, and just a little time after Rosalina ended her speech and everyone closed they're as she said, Waluigi surprisingly appears behind her. Rosalina can't believe what she's seeing, so she can't help but to hug Waluigi (while crying), to demonstrate how much she loves him. And of course, this also makes Waluigi and the rest felt emotional, because of his return. Blush 

This is a 3D illustration of a roleplaying that I had with WaluSushi the last year (about WaluigixRosalina, of course ;) ). I came up with this idea when I was practicing on MMD lightings. So here it is, I hope you like it. :)

Models and Stage were ported to MMD by :iconsab64:

And remember guys, "Respect to be respected, because a world with respect, is the best." ;)

Waluigi and Rosalina belong to Nintendo.
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1920x1080px 2.23 MB
© 2018 - 2025 Luigi192837465
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BlackDragon41's avatar

It's so wahnderful I just can't..... uwu