Current Residence: U.S.A, Califoria
Favourite style of art: Cartoony
MP3 player of choice: Ipod Nano G4
Shell of choice: Conch
Personal Quote: "I reject your reality, and substitute my own!"
Heck yes!
Meh, maybe...
Depends on what it is?
Comics aren't really my thing.
Will this be ANOTHER doomed to fail project? (probably)
Well, it's been a hot second. Don't know if you ever still look here, but I am/was mintedstar/fur from the old WC forums and I was recently thinking about your old trilogy and getting nostalgic. Aaaaaaages ago I tracked down Hidden Nature on the Wayback Machine, but the ending was missing. Wouldn't happen to have it and/or be willing to share it? I miss my origins, as it were.
Heyo. Dunno if your still about but I see ya mentioned here and there (mostly from Kidd) so just wanted to pop in and say I think your art is fantastic.