Favorite char meme - Donnieluckycyberbunny on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/luckycyberbunny/art/Favorite-char-meme-Donnie-85133992luckycyberbunny

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luckycyberbunny's avatar

Favorite char meme - Donnie



Part 2 of 2. My REAL favorite character. Mikey and Don are ALMOST equal in my book, Don is just a mili-hair higher up on the list.



2. His brothers unplugged his monitor from the back while he was "brb-ing". Now he thinks its a serious technical issue, but will soon be embarrassed when he realizes that it's an easy to fix problem...

3. yes, SCIENCE is his lover. You totally know its true...

4. All pop-quizzes must die!!

5. Yay for Bill Nye! lol Donatello totally should be on his show.. (is it still airing?)

7. Stupid powers include having tracking devices handy whenever they are needed and short circuiting the lair.

8. His special powers are his brains and his bo weilding abilities!

10. This came stright from an episode that I watched recently. It's from the first 4th season (the 80's ones) and he was facing some psycologist who had a machine that made you face your worst nightmare. Don's was a 3 headed dragon monster thing... w.e


I totally bought a Donatello action figure from the TMNT movie today. :) He's awesome :tmnt4:

orginal meme by :iconrosenightshade: here:LINK

TMNT (c) Mirage Studios
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Elecka's avatar
Do you remember what the episode you watched was called? I haven't seen it before...

Either way, I love the meme.