Adoptable-paypal-CLOSEDLuciferys on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

Luciferys's avatar




SB: $ 53
AB: $ 135

Owner: Alannax

Updated Rules:

1. Do not bid if you aren't sure or if you can't send payment within 48 hours from the moment I note you. 

2. The auction ends in 24 hours (from the moment the adopt was posted) if there are bids. Sometimes it will take a few more hours (2-3 hours) to close it in case I'm not online or if there is active bidding in that moment, but usually I close it at the 24 hours mark. The auction is open for as long as it has 'open' in the title (depending on the time I post sometimes dA shows a drawing I posted 2 hours ago as posted 'yesterday' so don't rely on dA to tell you if it's been 24 hours or not). 

3. You have 48 hours to reply and send payment if you win the auction.

4. Save the files I send you (usually a jpg and a png without background). I delete stuff from my stash regularly. 

5. You can upload it to your own account (if you wish to credit me on toyhouse my name there is Luciferys).

6. Reply to the last bidder. 

Open adopts:
Adoptable-paypal-OPEN by Luciferys Adoptable-paypal-OPEN by Luciferys Adoptable-paypal-OPEN by Luciferys Adoptable-paypal-Pending by Luciferys
Image size
5232x7376px 13.51 MB
© 2021 - 2025 Luciferys
anonymous's avatar
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DestinieKirby's avatar

Awesome character design! I love that dress and belt especially, and the golden eyes pop beautifully against the blue skin. Great job! :D