Shinobu Kocho (Demon Slayer): Spider Tickling by MrObscura101, literature
Shinobu Kocho (Demon Slayer): Spider Tickling
Shinobu Kocho (Demon Slayer): Spider Tickling
By MrObscura101
“What a dreary place…” Shinobu, the Butterfly Hashira thought to herself as she wandered through the deep, dark forest. She had been sent here by Kagaya Ubuyashiki on behalf of the Demon Slayer Corps to investigate missing people in this region from a suspected Demon
Shinobu scanned about, though given the fog and thickness of the treetops it meant that even in the middle of the day barely any light would be able to get through!
“How long has it been?” she thought, finding it hard to gauge time while wandering about trying to find anyone else, human or demon. However, she was unaware she was being watched by a pair of figures in the trees
“mmm lovely…” one grinned
“Yes, we need to trap her...” the other added as they jumped across to a nearby branch, then again and again to get ahead of Shinobu’s path
As the Demon Slayer continued searching she noticed that she was having to walk through more and more webs that
Rezero Commission: Tickling Christmas Distraction by ED3765, literature
Rezero Commission: Tickling Christmas Distraction
On a quiet afternoon at the Roswaal Manor, the members who usually were scattered about on its large land had gathered in the main room. Among them were Roswaal himself, as they all looked intently at Subaru, who had requested them with excited reasons.
"Well Subaru, what do you have to explain to us, hrmmm?" Roswaal asked as Subaru was in front of them all, his arms crossed as he soon looked intently at them and began to explain.
"When I asked, when I checked around, when I went to feel the spirit of the holidays, all I got was nothing but blank stares!" he declared to them all with a pointing of his right index finger, Ram being the most annoyed of the bunch while Emilia was curious to what he was getting at.
"Idiot, stop beating around the bush and tell us what you're getting at!" Beatrice said annoyed, wanting to return to her library as he nodded his head and cleared his throat as he crossed his arms again.
"None of you know about the magic of Christmas!"
Gabi and Kaya:Tickle Friends Tickle Time by Speedquirk, literature
Gabi and Kaya:Tickle Friends Tickle Time
While Falco mainly did any tickling with the other siblings in the house, Gabi and Kaya could always be found in the stables. Even if you didn't see them, you'd hear one of them laughing their hearts out.
Yea, like that.
Within the stables, Gabi held her hands on her hips while Kaya tickled her super sensitive armpits, sides, ribs and belly to madness. The older girl's fingers expertly glided from tickle spot to tickle spot without ever leaving her body.
"KYAHAHAHAHAHA THAHAHAT ALL YOU GOHOHOHOT?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Gabi taunted despite laughing so hard. Out of the warrior candidates, she was the most ticklish and it was showing as Kaya had her howling with little effort.
"Oh please, I'm barely trying. You're just as sensitive as a baby." Kaya teased.
"SOHOHOHO ARE YOHOHOHOHOHU" Gabi teased back as she screamed from laughing so hard as Kaya seemed to know how insanely ticklish her pits were as she dug two fingers in there.
Despite her warrior training
You're welcome, you make great stories 👍. I don't know if you've heard of Gundam: Witch of Mercury, but a tickle story with the main characters, Suletta and Miorine, would be great 😅