I didn't think that was gonna happen...
let me explain.
So tonight was supposed to be a good one (nope)
But everybody told me to go like a food run (yup)
But I'm not the product of paranoia, so I had to be gone
I didn't think it was necessary, like fuckin with no strap on (Damn)
I didn't notice it was that late! It’s now dawn!
Having that sense of urgency, but I don't know what from
Ran into someone long and had a mask on (shit)
Skinny limbs don't move like that, I’m not staying for the sequel (run!)
If I stand toe to toe with him, I’m damn sure ain’t his equal
He didn't move...maybe it just not to cause a commotion (oh no)
This is it ain't it? Damn just when I got a promotion
At least I think I got a God that I can pray to
This ain’t the time to be on my knees, I’d be made a fool
Based off how he's moving I gotta keep going man I don't wanna go out
The winter's holding my lungs hostage, it’s hurts to breathe! Let alone call out!
Made it to my exit, I hope he didn't follow me
I can go home and make it to my collard greens
heart drops when I look up to see him in the light
That smile staring back, not willing to fight...
Good bye!
ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Creepers Keep (Victim) [edited and revised]
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This was amazing to work on! I loved the image and spoke with that artists to use his work <3 please check them out on twitter ^^/
This was inspired by the song "Boy Bye" and the instrumental got my gears turning. This particular line was in pace with verses 2 and 3 of that song.
Please enjoy <3333
I had to revisit this. I was not happy with the first version so I redid a few lines. Please enjoy <3
Hunter's perspective! Creepers Keep (Hunter)
This was inspired by the song "Boy Bye" and the instrumental got my gears turning. This particular line was in pace with verses 2 and 3 of that song.
Please enjoy <3333
I had to revisit this. I was not happy with the first version so I redid a few lines. Please enjoy <3
Hunter's perspective! Creepers Keep (Hunter)
© 2019 - 2025 Lucain24
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